Saturday, 12 February 2011

How do I get an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card)?


The quickest and easiest way is to apply online. Your card will normally arrive within seven days. Some people can only apply for an EHIC by post but this method will take longer.

  • To apply by phone, call 0845 606 2030.
  • To apply by post, get a form from your local post office. Send the completed form to EHIC Applications, PO Box 1114, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE99 2TL.
For information, see Applying and renewing your EHIC. There is no charge for an EHIC.

Does each person need their own card?

Yes. You can apply for more than one EHIC at the same time. You can apply for EHICs for:
  • yourself,
  • your partner, and
  • any children under 18 who are in full-time education.
When you apply, you’ll need to provide these details for each person:
  • National Insurance number or NHS number (CHI in Scotland or Health and Care Number in Northern Ireland),
  • first names and surname (family name), and
  • date of birth.
If you’re under 16, your parent or guardian will need to apply for you.

Where can I use an EHIC?

The EHIC is valid when you temporarily visit a country in the EEA (European Economic Area) or Switzerland, e.g. for a holiday or a business trip. For more information, go to Which countries offer reduced cost or free medical treatment for visitors from the UK?
Different rules apply if you’re moving abroad to live, work or study. See What services can I get through the NHS if I move abroad?

What treatment does an EHIC cover?

The EHIC entitles you to state-provided medical treatment at reduced cost or sometimes free, if you become ill or have an accident during your stay.
The EHIC also covers:
  • treatment for long-term and existing illnesses, such as dialysis for kidney disease, and
  • routine maternity care.
Each country’s healthcare system is slightly different so your EHIC may not cover everything that would be free on the NHS. Many countries expect patients to pay towards their treatment. You may be able to claim the money back in the other country or when you return to the UK.
Private treatment is not covered by the EHIC. Neither are privately run services. For example, some state-run hospitals in other countries have private ambulance services.
The EHIC does not cover going abroad for planned medical treatmentor to give birth to your baby. For more information, see Going abroad for planned treatment.

Renewing your EHIC

Your EHIC will be valid for up to five years. You need to apply for a new EHIC before the expiry date. You can renew your EHIC up to six months before the expiry date.
The quickest way to renew your EHIC is online. You can also renew it by phone or post, as described above, but this takes longer.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

About HSA Insurance

HSA is Health Savings Account. Health Savings Account or HSA is a bank account which owns special tax benefits. This can be used in conjunction with specifically planned health insurance plans. It is available to anybody in the United States who takes part in a high deductible health care plan.

In this plan, people are permitted to pose a percentage of their pre-tax income into an interest bearing account for the only use of health care expenses. Several people can be complicated to administrate and keep these plans, but in commonly these plans are fiscally responsible for several people.

HSA has qualification that a person must be enrolled in a high deductible health plan. These users prefer to shelter a percentage of their income in the case of a medical emergency. Their sum of tax savings can be significant. This Health savings account lets its users to roll over the total in the account from year to year.
The health savings account money does not have to be as accurately calculated. HSA typically propose savings over a copay placed plan with lower total premiums and sum annual costs. If the policyholder requires the money, the health savings account will be there, accumulated overtime. These accounts encourage small business owners to supply health insurance for themselves and their employees. The self employed often enjoy health insurance with only extremely limited coverage and high deductibles. Placed on that, The Health Savings Accounts are really beneficial for them.

In HSA, health care providers can be switched. You too can exchange health care plans without any penalization. It means you can keep your money. You can use funds in these accounts to buy any items related to medical expense without paying income tax, social security or Medicare tax on money spent. Your money in HSA will rise with untaxed. This has the potential to keep thousands of dollars on members taxes every year. If you want to remove your funds before age 65(waved for death or disability), you will get 10% tax penalization. If you remove your account after age 65, your funds will be taxed as normal income.
Fund in HSA account can be spent to pay for any medical expenses, vision expenses and permitted dental expenses. These funds too can be used to purchase securities, bonds, stocks or other investments depending on the account service officer. All earnings from this are interest free.

HSA accounts are proposed by most local banks. But the benefits of those accounts are frequently not as good as online only account offerings. They have no fees over 3000 dollars in account. They have a fine rank structure. They permit trading with TD Waterhouse inside the account.

Bao Viet Health insurance

Comprehensive health care according to international health standards would not be out of reach your dreams. Health insurance provides a high quality of life, giving you absolute peace of mind whether you anywhere

Attend senior health insurance benefits you will have the following:

- Main benefits: inpatient treatment and emergency
- Additional benefits (to be purchased with major interests) include: outpatient care, dental care, maternity care, personal accident.
Specifically as follows:

I. Main benefits

Inpatient treatment and emergency expenses include:
- Cost of hospitalization
- Cost of medical examination before and after hospitalization
- Costs of surgery
- Cost of organ transplants
- Emergency Treatment
- Shipping of medical emergency and repatriation
- Inpatient treatment for diseases associated with acute psychosis
- Hospitalisation Benefit

II. Additional Benefits

- Outpatient treatment: Cost of medical examination, testing, diagnostics, medical equipment, pre-medicine, physical therapy doctor’s prescription list
- Dental care: regular dental care and dental care special (self-insurance 20%), dentures (50% self-insurance)
- Pregnancy: normal birth, birth complications and difficult
- The exemption generally: Participants can choose the level normally free of charge to be reduced
- Personal accident

What Is The Cancer?

Cancer is the general name used to call a group of 200 different types of cell origin, causes, prognosis and treatment but there are common features, such as the uncontrol division of cell, viability and development in strange organs and organizations.

The cancer usually develops from an initial cell and take years until there is a size large enough to be noticeable. The process of development from a single cell into a cancerous mass through several stages.
Normally, healthy cells have a certain life and follow a general rule is to develop – old – died. The death cells was replaced by new cells. The body has a mechanism for controlling these rules closely and maintain the number of cells in each agency or organization stably. Cancer begins when cells break through this control mechanism and begin to develop and grow restless, form into a cluster of cells with a common features that are disorganized development, invasion and pinching other organizations around. The cancer cells are loosely linked, easy pen out of her tumor, the lymphatic vessels and migrate to the new organs, continues to cling and grow (the process of this process called “metastasis”). When cancer tumor pinch or metastasize in the important organs of body such as brain, lung, liver, kidney then patients will die ….

Today, it was known that the development of normal cell is controlled by three group of genes:
Growth gene group (oncogenes) is responsible for the development and differentiation of cells. If this group is genetic damaged (mutation), it does not follow proper rules and will cause the cells continuously divide and develop in uncontrolled way.

Inhibitor gene group (oncogene supressors) is responsible for inhibitory growth genes, do not allow cells to participate arbitrary in growth cycles. If this gene is lost or damaged, then growth genes will be uncontrolled and have abnormal activities that causes the cells to reproduce abnormally.
Repair genes group is responsible for adjusting errors in operation of two above genes. If this gene is damaged, the genetic variation of the two categories above cannot be adjusted and will lead to abnormal growth of cells.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Benefit of the Papaya

Papaya fruit is not only a tasty sweet, cool, complementary, but also includes many carotin than other fruits such as apples, guavas, bananas.
In addition, the papaya has a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), Vitamin A, calcium, iron, vitamin B, B2. Besides, the ladies also use papaya as a natural cosmetics.
“Support” digestion
Research has shown that papaya contains an enzyme digest called “papain”, very good for digestion. Because of this, the juice of green papaya fruit has been used in the manufacture of drugs for the purpose of treatment and support digestive system.
Medicine of The Lady
Of papaya fruit juice and dried resin is the main ingredient in the manufacture of anti-acne creams and hair shampoos.
The skin is left green papaya can be refrigerated in the refrigerator and used to create masks. This is also why people always belonged Island “ownership” of a fine white skin, and is never afraid to attack acne.
Having the ability to fight cancer
The researchers showed that, in contravention papaya containing anti-cancer and help prevent gallstones. So you go “feature” eat papaya with the aim to prevent cancer.
Effect of weight loss
In 100 grams of papaya only contain very little caloric content of about 32kcal. Thus, if you intend to lose weight, do not forget adding papaya on their menu.
Suitable for diabetes patients
Papaya is sweet though, but the studies have shown that diabetic patients have complete peace of mind when eating papaya without worry anything.
Treatment of wounds and warts bottle
You confused, embarrassed to see the appearance of burns or wounds bottle notes ugly warts on the skin. Simple way will help you quickly troubleshoot “and” return “for your confidence.
Just sap from the leaves of papaya trees were applied to the skin grows bottle or acne. You’ll quickly realize incredible efficiency.
Overcoming disorder “monthly”
Raw coral disorder is not rare disease with a girlfriend. Not necessarily used to the new drug can treat. Only just ate green leaves of the papaya tree can also improve the situation. Also, can drink syrup made from aloe vera plant (home crowd) also provide similar benefits.
Prevent infection and pus celebrate
Swelling always cause you pain, burning, very annoying even lead to infection. In that case, get a fruit juice of green papaya, swelling up a wound to prevent infection and pus celebrate.
Treatment of ulcers on the skin
To heal the sores on the skin, get a bit of butter mixed with water and applied to papaya ulcers. This approach will work as fast as the surface and associated injuries.
Dose of antihypertensive drugs
Because of papaya fruit contains large amounts of potassium therefore papaya is considered an extremely useful medicine for patients with high blood pressure and also helps you keep the spirit of balance and comfort. So do not forget to regularly eat papaya.
Prevent cardiovascular disease
Found “dozens” of studies have said, is in papaya nutrients can prevent oxidation of cholesterol (Cholesterl only able to affect the heart when oxidized). This is evidence that papaya can help prevent heart disease and stroke.
Helps eyesight
You (especially the elderly) should be sufficient enough to eat about 3 servings per day or more to prevent the aging process as well as loss of vision
Very good for skin
Needless to spend all kinds of expensive cosmetics, make homemade masks the skin with papaya fruit. The effect is so great that no skin irritation.
You can combine papaya some other materials to create masks like fresh milk, yogurt or simply mashed ripe papaya on your face and wash up in about 15-20 minutes to work soft, smooth skin, prevent acne, pigmentation spots and especially effective in treating skin roughness.